Second pick I would go for Battle of Bodenplatte that will get a western map (western Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium) and late-war planes of the allies (UK & US) and germans. This will cover Stalingrad map and most important mid-war planes on eastern front (russian and german) that will allow you to join most of the multiplayer servers. You can start with getting Battle of Stalingrad, it is consider the base game (by Steam) if you like having all your games in Steam. Il-2 Sturmovick: Great Battles do have VR support. Scripted campaigns are great, multiplayer and career mode are also supposedly quite good (haven't tried them yet). It actually has gameplay instead of feeling like just a sandbox. I could find settings that would get me to 90fps in single player I'm sure, if i really wanted. Not as pretty as DCS, but quite good, and runs really well performance-wise. That's the best blend of spotting/IDing i could find for resolution, but then I couldn't hold 90 easily, so accepted 45 and cranked the quality. (I also run blur landscape and sharpening to help with spotting, and a gamma of 0.7, but those are more personal preference, i may try dropping HDR and see how it looks, I dunno). Personally with a 3080 and a G2, it took some fiddling, but i run at 90fps with forced reprojection, at about 75% SS, with 2x MSAA, clouds and shadows on max settings, SSAO (needed to be able to block sun bloom with your canopy frame by moving your head) and HDR on, it looks incredible. It's fantastic in VR (at least if you have stick/throttle/pedals in about the right places). IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad is a historically based game.Steam treats BoS as the base game and the rest as DLC, but if you order from 1C's website you can get any of the Battle of _ or Flying Circus first without getting BoS.

Anyone know? More details of what planes etc here: IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad I don’t know for sure if in MP you can switch into a plane you don’t own, but would be surprised if you could. The is also early access Battle of Kuban as well, which is 10 more planes (as it’s a premium edition, so 8 standard plus the 2 premium). One interesting thing is that even if you don’t own BoM, you can still play on the map in Multiplayer.
If we were to organize a MP then personally I prefer the BoS plane set (slightly later period), but open to ideas. buy Battle of Moscow and then you get those 8 planes plus another single player map/campaign just added to your install.

You can buy individual planes (Premium ones), but otherwise it all just adds to a single install, e.g. The HE-111 (with 5 slots) is one of those for example. It’s different to RoF, in that the ‘Battle of Stalingrad’ gets you a base of 8 flyables and one single player map.